Salah satu metode mengurangi lemak pada bagian bagian yang tidak diinginkan seperti double chin, pipi chubby, lengan, paha, perut dan lainnya dengan injeksi lokal pada massa lemaknya. Follow instagram @indlea_clinic untuk lebih banyak foto dan video yaa
Mesotherapy has been on the market since 1952. This treatment is a great alternative to more invasive procedures, such as liposuction, to reduce body fat and cellulite. For even better results combine it with our Accent Ultra treatment. The advantages of Mesotherapy: The treatment is usually done in 30 min, there is no downtime and you will start seeing results after 2 weeks.
Anyone who wishes to reduce fat or cellulite is a candidate for Mesotherapy. The treatment can be done all over the body and can help contour the areas where you have localized body fat. Even if you are not looking to lose weight, but just to loose those extra inches around your waist, then Mesotherapy is for you. As for all weight loss and fat reduction treatment, Mesotherapy works best if you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
The treatment
The doctor will start by cooling down the treatment area with an ice pack. This cooling is to minimize any discomfort during the injection. The product we inject is a mixture of amino acids and vitamins. It is injected just under the skin. This medication will then melt down the fat and cellulite as well as improve the blood flow. Results will be that the fat is carried away from the body.
Repeat treatment
The number of sessions depends on the area treated, the size of the area and your expectation. We recommend 1-2 weeks between each treatment for best results. To avoid loose skin as the fat melts away, we recommend combining this treatment with Radio Frequency and/or Accent Ultra. These treatments can be done in combination the same day as the Mesotherapy. The result of the Mesotherapy is permanent, as long as you take care not to accumulate new fat.
Side effects & after-care
Side effects are rare, but some bruising can occur and you might feel sore in the injected area. Both conditions will go away after 3-4 days. Arnica cream can reduce these side effects. Please avoid hot shower and wearing make up in the treated area the first 4-6 hours. You can read more about after care and side effects by More information
All needles used for injections are new, sterile and only used once.
The price
The price of Mesotherapy starts from Rp 750.000 per session.
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